Tag Archives: Stoates Flour

Another baking session: yeasted sourdough

I have to admit that this is a bit of a cheat, but the speed and predictability of rising and proving compared with “real” sourdough makes it tempting. And the results are delicious …

It’s a mixture of sourdough and yeasted dough, and although it doesn’t have the air pockets and texture of a sourdough, it has plenty of flavour and is far more chewy than a simple yeasted bread.
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The Rye Baker

I received this fantastic book for Christmas which has encouraged me further to explore the potential of rye flours.


All-rye formulae are really quite hard to handle, so I’ve eased myself in a bit with a rye-wheat mixture. Both flours from the excellent Stoates. It’s the first time I’ve ordered rye flour by the 25kg sack!

It was a three-stage process, developing the sourdough over 84 hours. I made a batch of 14 large loaves. Here are the first few fresh out of the oven.


They didn’t rise as much as I’d hoped, so I may need to fiddle with temperatures or hydration to get them to spring a little bit more. But not a bad first attempt at the process.